Feb 14, 2025  


When students are admitted to ACC, their residency classification is based on the information they disclose on their admissions application’s core residency questions and any supporting documentation. Tuition is based on this classification. Transfer students will maintain the residence classification issued by the last public institution attended during the 12 months prior to the term for admission.

Proof of Residence

An independent student may be asked to provide documentation for both state and in-district classification that shows the student’s name and address. A dependent student may be asked to provide their dependency upon their parent(s) and their parent’s current state residence documentation including parent’s name and address.

Residency Statuses

Texas Resident - The following conditions allow students to be classified as Texas residents and are entitled to pay in-state resident tuition if:

  1. Graduated from a public or accredited private high school in Texas or received, as an alternative to a high school diploma, the equivalent (GED) in this state; and
    1. maintained a residence continuously in Texas for the 36 months immediately preceding the date of high school graduation or receipt of the GED and continuously maintained a residence in Texas for the 12 months preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls at ACC.
  2. Established a domicile in this state not less than 12 months before the census date or the academic semester in which the person enrolls at ACC; and
    1. maintained a residence continuously in Texas for the 12 months immediately preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls at ACC.
  3. A dependent of a parent who;
    1. established a domicile in Texas not less than 12 months before the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls at ACC; and - maintained a residence continuously in Texas for the 12 months immediately preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution.

Residency Terms and Definitions

Maintained a Residence: Physically reside in Texas, which could not have been interrupted by a temporary absence from the state.

Establish a Domicile: For at least 12 months prior to the census date of the semester in which the student enrolls, the student:

  • owns real property (land, home) in Texas
  • owns a business in Texas
  • has been gainfully employed in Texas (at least part-time)
  • has marriage certificate with documentation to support the spouse is a resident of Texas with any of the above.

Non-Resident: An individual who does not qualify under any of the three Texas resident categories will be classified a non-resident student.

In-District: A Texas resident who physically resides within the geographic taxing boundaries of the ACC district at the time of admission will be classified an in-district student.

Out-of-District: A Texas resident who physically resides outside the geographic taxing boundaries of the ACC district at the time of their admission will be classified an out-of-district student.

Reclassification Based on Additional or Changed Information

If a student’s residence changes after admission, the student must file a Residence Reclassification Petition at the Registrar’s Office and provide supporting documentation proving the new classification. Changes made will apply to the first succeeding semester in which the student is enrolled, if the change is made after the term census date; changes made prior to or on the census date, will apply to the current semester.

Out-of-District to In-District: Independent students must prove residence prior to the census date for the given semester by providing one of the documents listed with their name and address. Dependent students must prove residence prior to the census date for the given semester by providing one of the documents listed with their parent’s name and address, along with their parent’s IRS federal tax return showing the student as a dependent. (P.O. Box excluded)

  • Texas permanent driver’s license showing ACC District address
  • Current tax receipt showing ACC District tax status
  • Texas Voter Registration card showing ACC District address
  • Lease agreement showing ACC District address and student’s name
  • Current utility bill showing service at ACC District address (P.O. Box excluded)
  • Other third party documentation (check with Registrar)

Non-resident to Resident: Independent students must prove their gainful employment, established domicile and maintained residence in Texas for at least 12 months prior to the census date for the given semester by providing the documentation listed with their name and address. Dependent students must prove their parent’s gainful employment, established domicile and maintained residence in Texas for at least 12 months prior to the census date for the given semester by providing the documentation listed with their parent’s name and address, in addition to their parent’s IRS federal tax return showing the student as a dependent.

  1. Employment documentation showing student’s name and location of employment that includes 12 months or an employer’s statement on company letterhead and signed by the employer, indicating dates of employment (beginning and current or ending dates) and location of employment that encompass a minimum of 12 months. Other documents may be used that show the person is self-employed, employed as a homemaker, or is living off his/ her earnings, or through public assistance may be used. For a homeless person, written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies located in Texas that attests to the provision of services to the homeless person for the 12 months also qualifies. Student employment such as work-study, the receipt of stipends, fellowships or research or teaching assistanceships do not qualify; or
  2. Documentation, which if accompanied and maintained for the 12 months prior to the census date of the given term and at least one type of document listed in section C.
    • Sole or joint marital ownership of residential real property in Texas by the person seeking to enroll or the dependent’s parent.
    • Ownership and customary management of a business, by the person seeking to enroll or the dependent’s parent, in Texas which is regularly operated without the intention of liquidation for the foreseeable future.
    • Marriage, by the person seeking to enroll or the dependent’s parent, to a person who has established and maintained residency in Texas. Supporting documentation may be required.
  3. Documentation must accompany at least one type of document listed in section B.
    • Utility bill for the 12 months preceding the census date.
    • Texas high school transcript for full senior year preceding the census date.
    • Transcript from a Texas institution showing presence in the state for 12 months preceding the census date
    • Texas driver’s license or Texas ID card that has not expired and if it reflects an origination date, shows an origination date of at least 12 months prior to the census date.
    • Texas voter’s registration card that is issued more than 12 months prior to the census date.
    • Pay stubs for the 12 months preceding the census date
    • Bank statements reflecting a Texas address for the 12 months preceding the census date.
    • Cancelled checks that reflect a Texas residence for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
    • Lease or rental of real property in the name of the person or dependent’s parent for the 12 months preceding the census date.
    • Current credit report that documents the length and place of residence of the person or the dependent’s parent
    • Written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies, attesting to the provision of services for at least 12 months preceding the census date.

A student’s residence status may be affected by the death or divorce of the student’s parents, custody of a minor by court order, marriage of the student, active military duty of the student or student’s parents, temporary assignments of the student’s parents out of Texas, etc. Further details about residency may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. Information about tuition waiver programs for non-resident individuals may be obtained from the Business Office.