Instructional Services
Student Accessibility Services
Alvin Community College is committed to providing accessibility to its educational programs, activities and facilities. Student Accessibility Services focuses on assisting students with disabilities to make a successful transition to college. All students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services and provide documentation in order to determine appropriate accommodations. Appointments with the Student Accessibility Services Office should be made at least two or three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester that a student plans to attend.
More information and resources regarding transition, documentation, and services can be found on the ACC webpage under Disability Services. Information and assistance is available on the website or by emailing
Learning Lab
The Learning Lab is located upstairs in Building A and designed for students to work with tutors, study, complete assignments, conduct research, and work collaboratively. For more information, review the information in the Student Support Services area of The POD.
The library is also located on the second floor of Building A. The automated catalog, periodical subscriptions, and databases are accessible from the internet. Librarians can give students off-campus access to the databases which require a login password. The mission of the Alvin Community College Library is to support the curriculum of the college by providing access to research tools and materials. The Library also encourages and supports students by providing information literacy workshops. Other student resources include use of a printer, scanner, and photocopier. Study rooms are available for individual study. Students must show a valid student ID card to check out materials. Students are responsible for clearing their library records before the end of each semester. Failure to do so will result in the student’s record being placed on hold. Official transcripts will not be released or registration allowed until the hold is cleared.
TexShare, a statewide system, allows reciprocal borrowing privileges at participating college and university libraries in Texas. Through TexShare, the college has access to over 89 content and periodical databases enabling patrons to access the full content of thousands of magazine articles. A new chat service the “Ask a Librarian” button is available on the webpage and the POD for 24/7 access to a librarian. Bibliographic instruction is provided to patrons face-to-face and virtually in the library and classrooms. Group presentation assistance is offered to students to help them prepare for in-class presentations. Students may also receive assistance with their technical and computer questions.
Additional Instructional Programs
Dual Enrollment
College Enrollment for High School Students
The Dual Enrollment program is designed for high school students desiring a head start on their college career. Through partnerships with neighboring school districts, the program allows students to enroll in college classes that simultaneously earn them high school credit as well. Dual Enrollment college students may take available classes on their high school campus or at ACC.
Dual Degree
To help students reach their educational goals in a timely manner, local school districts and Alvin Community College offer qualified students the opportunity to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies. The Dual Degree program is a rigorous program that requires extra time and dedication. Interested students should contact their ACC Dual Enrollment Advisor for more information.
Honors Program
The ACC Honors Program is an intellectual community that supports students who seek to explore their studies in depth, develop lasting leadership skills, and foster service-oriented values. We embrace an interdisciplinary, student-focused approach to learning that transcends academic boundaries and deeply engages with the wider world. For more information, visit the ACC Honors webpage.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound is a year-round federally funded program that provides college preparation skills to highly motivated Alvin High School students in grades 9-11. Students selected for the program receive tutoring, financial aid information, ACT/SAT preparation, study skills, exposure to college and university life and a summer activity program. Participant selection is based on many factors which include family income, teacher recommendations, test scores, academic need and personal interviews. Contact the Upward Bound Program Director for details. 281-756-3849.
Information Technology Services
Alvin Community College integrates applications, course work, calendars, and campus information in The POD, which can be accessed by current students via the ACC homepage. The POD encompasses and links to the following services using ACCess ID (one ID and password to use with The POD, Blackboard and Office 365).
Student Planning
Search and register for classes
Find grades
Request transcripts
Update contact information
Student Planning to plot courses and plan to degree or certificate completion
Use program evaluation to determine what classes are needed
Check financial aid status
Microsoft Office 365
ACC offers MS Office 365 applications and a student email address to all current students and NO cost. Office 365 is accessible through
The POD. Your account is: “AccessID”
The benefits include:
50GB Outlook email account, calendar and contacts
Online access to email and Office 365 applications
5 FREE copies of MS Office to download and install on any of your devices
One Drive
Benefits include:
1TB of online storage
No need for a USB
Access your files from school labs, work, at home, or anywhere on any device with an Internet connection
Student Email
Important Note: Emails to your “” address are the official means of electronic communication at ACC. The benefits of an official ACC student email are:
Mobile friendly and easy to set up on your Android or Apple device.
Provided at NO cost to students.
Receive student discounts from many online vendors using your student email address.
Easy setup on your phone.
Wi-Fi access is available throughout the majority of the campus. Specific networks are now available to students and employees that offer a more secure and un-throttled internet experience. Campus guests and members of the community can connect and access internet resources via Wi-Fi, but may notice slower response times than the student and employee networks.
Students and employees are strongly encouraged to connect to the ACCStudent or ACCEmployee WiFi networks with their ACCess ID for a more secure and better internet experience.
Think CyberSafety: Alvin Community College Information Technology staff will NEVER ask for your password or any personal information. Emails posing as members of ACC IT (or as automated emails), requesting your user id or password for any reason should be immediately deleted and reported to the IT Service Desk, x3544,
Computer Labs
Campus computer labs are available for use by ACC students. Labs are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are open for use to anyone with a valid ACC student ID.
For more information, locations and hours:
Campus Services
Academic Pathways Advising
The staff in the Welcome Center and Pathways Advising work to ensure that students are assisted through all steps of the enrollment process. All first-time in college students are required to meet with a Pathways Advisor prior to their first registration. Once admitted, students are encouraged to maintain contact with their Pathways Advisor. Services include:
- Assistance for undecided students in selecting a program
- Interpretation of TSI Assessment
- Assistance with the registration process
- Assistance with course selection
- Transfer information
- Information regarding college services and resources
- Assistance with the career planning process
- Assistance with college study skills
Assessment and Care Team
The Assessment and Care Team consists of a multi-disciplinary group of ACC employees including counselors, faculty, police, and student services staff. The ACT is committed to providing ACC staff, employees, and students with supportive resources through a practical, collaborative, and thoughtful approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention, and holistic management of situations that may be disruptive in a student’s academic progress or to the well-being of campus employees. To educate and empower all members of the College community, resources and procedures are available to prevent, deter, and respond to concerns. ACT helps departments and individuals in determining indicators that may be of concern along with resources to support the learning environment.
The Assessment and Care Team accepts reports regarding any individual or incident at any time through the online reporting form.
Campus Police
The Alvin Community College Police Department’s primary goal is to provide a safe environment for all individuals who use the campus. The department is staffed with police officers who are commissioned by the State of Texas and are charged with the responsibility of receiving, investigating, and reporting all criminal activities. Department policies require that officers immediately respond to and investigate any criminal offenses or incidents. The College Police Department also provides a variety of services to students and employees, such as motor assists, first aid, lost and found, campus escort, etc.
Alvin Community College buildings are accessible between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday - Friday and Monday - Thursday (summer). Some areas are accessible Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Secured areas are closed when College employees are not present. The College Police Department monitors the College 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have any questions regarding rules, regulations, laws or related concerns, please feel free to call or come by the department in Building H, Room 132.
ACC Campus Police can assist with the following:
- Campus Escort - Should you feel uncomfortable going to your vehicle, contact the College Police Department at 281-756-3700, and a police officer will be provided.
- Lost and Found - H132.
- Parking Permits - Apply online at Information needed: driver’s license number, license plate number, and make/model of vehicle. Permits will be available within 48 business hours of parking permit application and can be obtained at the Campus Police Office in H132. A student must have a valid, up-to-date ACC student ID to pick up parking permit. ACC parking permits are also required for students taking ACC classes at UHCL-Pearland. Students who are only taking classes after 4:00 p.m. at JB Hensler CTE Campus or Shadow Creek HS do not need an ACC parking permit.
- Vehicle Assists - Officers are available to assist with difficulties starting a vehicle, changing a flat tire, or locked keys in a vehicle. To have a vehicle unlocked you must provide a valid driver’s license.
Campus Police Department
Building H, Room 132
To report an emergency:
On or Off Campus 281-756-3700 or 911
Career Services
The Career Services staff is available to assist students and graduates with their career goals. Whether you are undecided or ready to make a career move, the staff can help you maximize your career potential by exploring your interests and matching them with employment opportunities. Career Services provides a large suite of online tools and resources, as well as personalized assistance with resume writing and interviewing technique.
- Specific services include:
- NeoGov - Application System
- Resume and Cover Letter Writing Assistance
- Mock Interviews
- Career/Employer Information Resources
- Career-Related Workshops and Programs
- Campus Interviews with Company Recruiters
- Job Fairs
Email to schedule an appointment.
Career Testing with Career Coach
Career Coach is a web-based tool that is used for career based research using labor market data to make career decisions easy. The options in Career Coach are endless - from building a resume, discovering programs to pursue, to exploring local job market data. Complete your Career Coach assessment then schedule an appointment with the Career Services Coordinator to review results. 281-756-3560.
Student Employment
All job posting information can be found at the Jobs at ACC webpage.
Employment Services
Employers seeking to fill full-time or part-time positions, as well as internships may create an account from the Jobs at ACC webpage.
Child Development Laboratory School
The Child Development Laboratory School is a licensed childcare facility for children ages 12 months to 5 years. The goals are to provide a teaching laboratory for college students who are preparing for careers in early childhood professions and to provide a developmentally appropriate educational setting for young children. The lab school is a full time program only. ACC Students have priority in childcare enrollment.
College Store and Food Services
The ACC store, located in Building E sells textbooks, supplies, ACC logo clothing, food, snacks, coffee/drinks and more. More information can be found at
Student Complaints
A student complaint is a College-related concern in which a student perceives a situation to be unfair or a hindrance to the educational process. A complaint may also include discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation.
The College District encourages students to discuss their concerns with the appropriate instructor or other campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. Informal resolution shall be encouraged but shall not extend any deadlines in this policy, except by mutual written consent.
Complete procedures for complaints can be found in ACC’s local policy, FLD at Complaint information can be accessed by clicking Student Complaints from the bottom of any ACC webpage.
Counseling Services
Alvin Community College employs Licensed Professional Counselors who provide counseling services to all currently enrolled students. Counseling services include short-term personal counseling, mental wellness workshops, career counseling, referrals to community resources, study skills assistance, and interpretation of career assessments. All services offered are free of charge and confidential. Counseling records are kept confidential and separate from all other college records. Exceptions to confidentiality will apply when there is evidence that a person is a danger to him/herself or others, or if there is evidence of abuse or neglect of a child, an elder, or a person with disabilities. In these instances, state law requires that Licensed Professional Counselors notify the proper authorities.
To schedule an appointment, please see
NOTE: Dual Enrollment students are referred to their high school counselors for support.
Drug and Alcohol Prevention
Alvin Community College strongly believes that the abuse of alcohol and/or drugs negatively impacts a person’s ability to meet educational goals. The college offers programs for drug education and abuse prevention and is coordinated by the Vice President of Student Services and the Office of Student Activities. ACC’s Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) information can be found in The POD/Campus Services/Student Support Services.
Emergency Notification System
Alvin Community College utilizes RAVE Emergency Notification system to warn of any possible threats or emergencies on or around the campus including, but not limited to, active shooter, severe weather and college closings. Students must provide emergency contact information during registration. This information is used to automatically enroll students in RAVE each semester of attendance. Employee information is entered upon employment with ACC. Students can update their emergency data through the Pod by completing the Student Data Change Request form.
Campus Closure for Inclement Weather or Emergency Situations
If severe weather or emergency situations require the college to cancel classes, students will be notified through local television and radio stations, KACC 89.7, the ACC website, social media and through the RAVE Emergency Notification System. Students are automatically enrolled in RAVE each semester of attendance. Students must provide emergency contact information and should update this information through The POD or at the Welcome Center
Emergency notifications will be sent via text, phone call and/or email. Students can update their emergency data through the Pod by completing the Student Data Change Request form.
Make-up days for official college closings will be scheduled as needed.
Emergency Management/Evacuation Plan
An Emergency Management Plan is located on the college web site and outlines procedures for various emergency situations. Training and evacuation procedures are conducted annually to ensure the safe evacuation of individuals should an emergency arise. Staff and students should immediately report all offenses, incidents, accidents, and suspicious activities to campus police so that an investigation can be promptly conducted.
Financial Literacy Resources
Various financial literacy resources can be found at These resources are designed to help improve students’ understanding of financial concepts and services.
Fitness Center
The ACC Fitness Center is located in Building F and more information can be found at
Food and Beverage Services
Various breakfast, lunch and snack options are offered in the E building/Student Center commons area.
Study Grounds Coffee Bar
Study Grounds Coffee Bar is located in the E building/Student Center commons area.
Vending machines for a quick snack or beverage are located in various buildings on campus.
Food Assistance
ACC houses Blessing Boxes that contain toiletry and food supplies for students and staff, as well as the community.
Foster Care Liaison Officer for Students Currently/Formerly in DFPS Conservatorship
The Texas Education Agency requires that each institution of higher education appoint a Foster Care Liaison Officer (FCLO) to assist in coordinating education support services and other relevant information directly to individuals who are currently or were previously placed in foster care. The FCLO serves as a point of contact for adopted, unaccompanied (independent) and homeless students as well. For more information about these services or to schedule a meeting with ACC’s FCLO,
call 281-756-3531.
Lactation Room
The lactation room is located in H building in Room 130 near Campus Police. The area is equipped with chairs, end tables, electrical outlets, hand washing area and a lockable door.
ACC’s Marketplace is available for “shopping” and paying for services and workshops such as:
- ACC Foundation
- ACC ID Cards
- ACC Teachers Association (ACCTA)
- Alvin Nursing Student Association (ANSA)
- Art Department Special Events
- Career Testing
- Child Development Lab School
- Citations/Replacement Parking Permits
- Concerts
- Continuing Education Classes
- Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography (DCVS)
- Music Academy
- Phi Theta Kappa Membership
- Respiratory Care Department
- Testing
Student Life
Some of the most valuable experiences a student will have while attending college occur outside the classroom. These extracurricular activities are open to every ACC student, and the College encourages its students to participate and get involved. Activities range from health and wellness to cultural awareness; entertainment, as well as intramural sports. Special events include: Open House, Student Leadership Conference and much more. See the “Life at ACC” tab in the POD for more information.
The College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and participates in intercollegiate competition in men’s baseball and women’s fast-pitch softball.
Student Game Room
The ACC Game Room is open to all currently enrolled ACC students with a current student ID. More information can be found in The POD under Student Activities.
Student ID Card
All enrolled students are required to carry a valid student ID card when on campus. The card grants access to the Fitness Center, Learning Lab, Testing Center, student computer labs, Game Room and many other student services. The first ID card is free, and replacement cards are $5. Students must present a tuition receipt showing payment for the current semester and a valid picture ID such as driver’s license, state-issued ID, passport, or military ID. Students must renew their ID’s each semester of attendance. Students may obtain ID’s in the Student Life Office.
Student Organizations
College life is more than just going to class and studying. By joining and becoming active in an ACC student club or organization you have the opportunity to make new friends, build leadership skills, help the community and gain valuable experiences. See complete club information in The POD/Life at ACC/Club Listings.
Staying Connected
ACC News
Stay current with the latest news and happenings around campus with the daily blog at:
The KACC 89.7 FM app is available for Apple iOS and Android phones and will stream live broadcast of the station including classic rock music, live events and local sports.
KACC-TV streams live college, city and community events. Visit for more information.
Wireless Access
Wireless Internet access is available throughout most areas of the campus. Simply connect to ACCWIFI.
Academic Honors and Awards
Awards Day
Awards Day is held during the spring semester. Scholarships and academic honors are awarded and campus leaders are recognized.
Vice President of Instruction List
The Vice President of Instruction List honors the scholastic achievement of students enrolled in 12 or more hours who have a semester GPA of 3.60 or higher.
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List honors the scholastic achievement of students enrolled in 8-11 hours who have a semester GPA of 3.75 or higher.
NOTE: Grades earned in developmental courses will not be used to qualify for the Dean’s or Vice President’s list.
Presidential Scholar
Presidential Scholars are selected during the spring term. A student may receive the award one time. To be designated a Presidential Scholar, a student must have:
- Completed 45 college-level semester hours at Alvin Community College, excluding sports and human performance activity credits,
- Completed 18 of the 45 semester hours in university-transfer courses, excluding sports and human performance activity credits,
- Earned a minimum 3.95 grade point average on all college level courses taken at ACC,
- Have no grade below a B on any course taken at ACC,
- Completed at least 12 college-level semester hours taken at ACC during the previous calendar year, and
- Have no record or pending charges of disciplinary action or academic dishonesty,
- Be currently enrolled or a graduate during the current academic year.
Phi Theta Kappa - Honor Society
Mu Upsilon is the local chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. This prestigious organization recognizes and encourages scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship. A letter or email of invitation is provided to eligible students and membership is limited to students who meet the following requirements.
- Minimum 3.5 GPA
- Completed 15 college credit hours
- Declared major on file